Weekly Fees are $45 a Week / $9 Per Person
To receive your weekly bonus points and to ensure your finances are applied accurately...
wComplete the fees section of the score sheet (bottom left corner)
wRate your opponent with a fun factor rating
wPay all non-paid members the night they shoot
Captains, get in the habit of collecting the individual fees from your players prior to the start of each of their matches.  Remember, this is a “weekly” fee, not a “per player match” fee. If you or your opponents forfeit any or all of the matches, both teams are still responsible for paying the full $45.00 weekly fee.  Captains, you may wish to collect a few dollars from each of your players at the beginning of the session to hold in “reserve” to cover possible forfeits.  If your team has a scheduled bye, weekly fees do not apply. Teams are allowed to pay for part or all of the session in advance, if they wish.    

Please Make Your Checks or Money Orders To:  APA Pool League

The APA cannot be responsible for lost or stolen cash!

It is the Captain’s responsibility to collect and send in the proper fees each week. The following describes different situations that might occur, and APA policy:

Over-payment of fees will result in a “team credit”.  The amount over-paid will be shown as a credit on your following week’s scoresheet. You may use the credits for weekly fees, memberships, patches, etc.

Under-payment or non-payment of fees will result in the team being “past due”.  Past Due amounts will also be shown on your next week’s scoresheet. The team will automatically lose its bonus point(s) for that week and all subsequent weeks, until all fees are paid and up to date.  The Team Captain, not the establishment owner, is responsible for unpaid fees.  If your Team Captain becomes dishonest or unreliable, remove them as Captain immediately.  Once a Team Captain becomes unreliable and has to be removed by the league office, they will be suspended from being either a Captain or Co-Captain for a minimum of two years. Teams two (2) or more weeks in arrears at the end of regular session play will not be eligible for the Divisional Playoffs.

Captains who fall more than two (2) weeks in arrears will be “flagged” and removed as Captain.

Finances From Last Session
Divisional Finals from last session aren’t normally played and entered into our system until after the new session is well underway.  If your team has any past due fees or credits from the prior session, they will show up on your New Session’s scoresheet and are due that night.  You must pay any past dues that show up on your scoresheet THAT WEEK to avoid Loss of Points.  Remember, these may be past dues from the prior session or the playoffs and should have been paid at that time!
Bounced checks will be assessed a $25.00 fee, in order to cover administrative overhead.
Your team will not lose the bonus point(s) for the week that the check was originally sent in, however the returned check fee and all outstanding team fees must be paid the week the past due shows up on your score sheet in order to avoid losing that week’s bonus point(s).  Checks may not be used to cover other bounced checks ... money orders only!
If your team should fold, the fees that would have been normally paid during the remainder of the session will still have to be paid, along with the revenue that was lost from the teams which you would have been scheduled to play.The Team Captain will be held responsible for these fees. Other team members may also be held responsible (based upon the circumstances involved). The league office has a “Survival Rule” policy in place that can help keep your team together for the remainder of the session, thus avoiding any penalties.
If the team which you are scheduled to play fails to show up you must still pay your weekly fees.If they are dropped from the division schedule the following week your weekly fees from the previous week will be credited to your team account..


$30.00 per member ($31.50 in West Virginia...includes 6% sales tax).  Annual membership fees are due the night a player first plays in the APA and are renewable every January thereafter ... on the first night they actually shoot.  If you pay your membership fee after August 15th, the following year’s renewal is pro-rated (until March 1) to only $15.00 ($15.90 in West Virginia).  All other Annual Memberships (renewals) are $30.00 ($31.50 in WV).  Please do not play unpaid members, unless you are paying their membership fee that evening. 

Any team that allows two or more players to play without a current paid APA membership will receive zero points for the week or weeks involved (including bonus points).  If a team allows a single player to shoot without submitting their membership fee, they will lose the points won in that individual match, plus their bonus points.  Their opponents only receive credit for the points they actually earned. Unpaid members can be identified by the letter “N” next to their skill level on the roster and scoresheet.  Any and all non-paid members will be removed from the team roster after you turn in your week seven (7) scoresheets.